From PBSThe frozen continent of Antarctica contains the vast majority of all freshwater on Earth. Now that ice is melting at an accelerating rate, in part because of climate change. What does this transformation mean [More]
This great man prophesied the end of humanity which he believes will happen before the end of this century. All thanks to green issues! Here’s his 4-point plan to save humankind.
Climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity today and yet our political systems refuse to move quickly enough to do anything about it. It threatens to undo all the gains that have been made [More]
A new United Nations science report warned that the effects of climate change are growing faster and more severe than expected. It cited hunger, disease, poverty and other ills made worse by a warming planet [More]
Wikipedia reports: Dr Damon Matthews of Concordia University Canada, the Climate Science and Sustainabilty Research Chair reports on how you can see the effects of Climate change in Canada in the last few years. Without [More]
From 2008, this is a clip as part of the “Why Are Things Falling Apart?” series. In this clip, Richard Manning breaks down the Green Revolution for us. Note, he remarks that, in his lifetime, [More]
The effects of climate change can now be felt and experienced everywhere. Our planet is now under ever-increasing attack from man-made development. But using out keen development skills we may be able still to combat [More]
We need to come to terms with where we come from to know how we can ever partake in or cope with what the future is about to present onto us from this new decade [More]
TED TALK by Sean DavisThe Montreal Protocol proved that the world could come together and take action on climate change. Thirty years after the world’s most successful environmental treaty was signed, atmospheric scientist Sean Davis [More]
The brilliantly erudite Simon Webb of History Debunked shares his knowledge of climate change records pre 1980 when modern records began and poses the question why those records which showed the earth COOLING are eradicated [More]
Earth is running out of fresh water and due to a growing population and global warming, by 2030 there will be a 50% greater demand for it. Future Earth explores the impact a lack of [More]
In 1701 there were approximately 600 million people on the planet, today there are an estimated 7.8 billion people. By 2050 that figures is expected to go up by 2 billion taking us to a [More]
Sabine Hossenfelder brilliantly explains the physics behind the earth’s climate. Her dry humour and high intelligence make this exceptional and enables anyone to understand what’s going on and helps you to get to grips yourself [More]
Professionally produced for The Heartland Institute, this 20-minute video features interviews with leading climate scientists who spoke at the Third International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, DC. 10 years ago this was published denying [More]